Additional Services

  • NEW! Poster Primer and Laminator

    Did you know that Hall Memorial Library now has a poster printer and a large format cold laminator that is available for the public to use?!* Our amazing Friends of the Library group has purchased these two fantastic machines so that we can offer even more services. Printing is by appointment (for now) and you can either create a design on our dedicated computer or bring your artwork in on a flashdrive.
    *Please note that we will be charging a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials. Prices range from $8 for an 18" x 24" poster up to $26 for a 24" x 60" print.

  • Curbside Pickup
  • Preschool Visits
  • Tours
  • Book Cellar
    The Book Cellar is open Saturdays 10:00 to 1:00 and Thursdays 2:00 to 4:30. No appointments are necessary but we are still maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask whenever possible.  Book Cellar volunteers are always needed.  Call the library if you would like to help!
  • Homebound Delivery


The Hall Memorial Library is pleased to offer Homebound Delivery Service for Ellington residents in need. Through this program, library materials are delivered to Ellington residents who are permanently or temporarily homebound due to illness, disability or advanced age. Books, magazines, DVDs, music CDs, and more can be dropped off and picked up by Library staff or volunteers once or twice per month.   Participants may make requests for specific materials or staff will choose items based on an individual’s preferences.  Requests may be made by phone, email or using the online catalog system.

•    Be an Ellington resident
•    Be permanently or temporarily homebound
•    Complete a Homebound Delivery Service Request form
•    Have a viable means of contact: phone and/or email
•    Have a valid Hall Memorial Library card (if you do not have one, we will help with library card registration before the first delivery)
•    Provide a safe and appropriate environment for staff to make their deliveries 
•    Be/have someone available to receive materials at the mutually agreed-upon time
There are no overdue fines for homebound patrons, although there will be a charge for a lost or damaged items.  Only Library materials will be transported.

To sign up for this service, complete the form below.  If you have any questions, or you need to apply for homebound delivery over the phone, please call the library at 860-870-3160 and ask for Sue.

Homebound Delivery Service Request Form